The 16 Most Disgusting House Bugs and How To Get Rid of Them


Posted Mar 10, 2023

Reads 7.2K

White and Pink Flowers on White Table
Credit:, White and Pink Flowers on White Table

Disgusting house bugs are a common household problem that can make your skin crawl. These creepy crawlers not only create unsightly messes but can also be potential carriers of diseases. From ants to bed bugs, cockroaches to silverfish, these pesky little creatures are more than just an annoyance; they can pose a serious threat to the cleanliness and hygiene of your home.

If you have ever experienced the unsettling feeling of discovering a disgusting house bug crawling on your kitchen counter or in your bed, you know how important it is to get rid of them as quickly and efficiently as possible. With so many different types of house bugs out there, it can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to pest control. That's why we have put together a comprehensive guide on the 16 most disgusting house bugs and how to get rid of them for good.

You may be surprised by which of these house bugs are actually helpful and which are downright dangerous. Either way, we’ll show you how to kick them out and how to keep bugs out of your house.

White Wooden Table With Chairs
Credit:, White Wooden Table With Chairs

Experts handpick the most disgusting house bugs that can invade your home, some of which may surprise you with their beneficial qualities. Ladybugs, for example, are known to eat aphids and other plant-destroying pests. On the other hand, dangerous bugs like black widows and brown recluses can cause serious harm if left unchecked. Whatever kind of bug you're dealing with, there are ways to get rid of them and prevent them from coming back. With a little knowledge and effort, you can keep your home bug-free and comfortable for everyone.

Unwelcome Visitors: Dealing with Uninvited Guests

A Man and Woman Working at the Café
Credit:, A Man and Woman Working at the Café

Since we've moved into urban environments and live in close quarters with one another, it's no surprise that the vast majority of us have experienced some type of insect infestation. In fact, bedrooms are often the most common sites for these pests to set up shop. Jeffrey Lockwood, an insect ecologist stated in a 2013 Popular Science interview, that "cultural cognition" plays a part in our reactions to insects. This means that how we perceive certain bugs is influenced by how society has taught us to view them.

When cities are compared to rural settings, it's apparent that there are more opportunities for bugs like bed bugs, cockroach dust mites, silverfish, and carpet beetles to thrive. The resulting probability of an infestation increases when you consider how easy it is for these pests to spread from one population to another. They can be transported through clothing, luggage or even dear comfy mattress.

So what can be done when faced with these disgusting house bugs? The first step is identifying the type of insect you're dealing with and determining which treatment method will work best. Prevention is key here - regular cleaning and maintenance can reduce the likelihood of an infestation. If all else fails, it may be necessary to call in professional help to deal with the issue effectively.

Unwanted House Guests: Silverfish and Firebrats


If you're looking for quick-moving insects that can slip inside your home unnoticed, silverfish and firebrats are two of the most common offenders. These pests are known for their love of binge-eating starchy foods, such as cereal, flour, and wallpaper books. They're also attracted to glue - they're often found near book bindings or in wallpaper paste.

Silverfish and firebrats are active both day and nighttime, making them difficult to spot. They can be found in a wide range of locations within your home, including basements, closets, bookcases, and boiler rooms. Images provided by various universities show that these pests can cause significant damage over time if left unchecked.

Thankfully, there are steps homeowners can take to prevent silverfish and firebrats from making themselves at home. According to resources from Stanford University and the Minnesota Extension, regular cleaning is key. Vacuuming regularly can help remove food scraps that may attract these pests. Sealing cracks around doors and windows is also important - this can help prevent them from entering in the first place. By following practical advice provided by various universities across the country (including Missouri Extension, Kentucky College of Agriculture, and Idaho Extension), you can keep silverfish and firebrats (as well as other household pests like ants, beetles, flies) at bay.

1. Health Solutions from Our Sponsors

Dealing with disgusting house bugs can be a nightmare for any homeowner. But did you know that certain health solutions can help you get rid of these pesky critters for good? And not just that, our sponsors have also got you covered when it comes to treating bent fingers or avoiding Crohn's flares.

Here are 5 tips to keep your home bug-free: First, regularly clean and vacuum your home. Second, seal any cracks or holes in walls and floors. Third, avoid leaving food out in the open. Fourth, fix any blocked hair follicles to prevent skin irritation. Lastly, use hemp seed oil as a natural pest repellent.

But that's not all our sponsors have to offer! They also provide advanced breast cancer treatments, rethink MS treatment options, finance plastic surgery, and much more. With liver transplants saving lives and b-cell therapy preventing afib-related strokes, your health is their top priority.

So whether you're dealing with missing teeth or suffering from psoriasis feels, our sponsors have got you covered with the latest health benefits and treatments. Don't let disgusting house bugs or a relapsing MS flare-up bring you down – take control of your health today!

Why Some People Love Keeping Insects as Pets

Man And Woman Kissing
Credit:, Man And Woman Kissing

While some people shake at the thought of sharing their living space with tiny creepy crawlies, others find a certain charm in keeping insects as pets. For adventurous juveniles typically, keeping insects is a way to explore nature and continually expand their knowledge. But adults also find a fascination with these creatures that are perfect for sheltering, mating, eating, and even pollinating plants.

Insect owners conquer their revulsion response and dare stare at black widow spiders or hissing cockroaches. They create comfortable harbors for praying mantises or beetles in small spaces like glass jars or terrariums lined with soft cotton pajamas. While it may seem odd to some, people choose to keep insects as pets for the same reason they choose cats or dogs - because they bring joy and companionship into their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why don’t people eat insects in Thailand?

People in Thailand do eat insects, but it's not a staple food due to cultural and economic factors. It's mostly consumed as a snack or delicacy rather than as a main source of protein.

Why are we so afraid of insects?

We are afraid of insects because it is a natural survival mechanism that has been evolved over time. The fear is triggered by the potential threat that insects may pose to human health and safety.

What does the presence of insects mean?

The presence of insects can indicate a variety of things, including an unclean environment, food sources, or even just the natural ecosystem. It's important to identify and address any potential issues to prevent infestations and maintain a healthy living space.

What are common house Bugs?

Common house bugs include ants, cockroaches, spiders, silverfish, and bed bugs. These pests can cause damage to your home and health problems if not taken care of properly.

How do I know if my house is infested with insects?

You can tell if your house is infested with insects by observing their droppings, seeing live or dead insects, noticing damage to fabric or wood, and hearing strange noises.

Rosalie Kinoshita

Junior Writer

Rosalie Kinoshita is a passionate writer who loves to explore different topics such as travel, food, and lifestyle. She has been writing for several years and has gained experience in creating engaging content that captures the attention of readers. With a degree in journalism, Rosalie has honed her writing skills and has worked with various publications both online and offline.